The typesetting software is pronounced /ˈlɑːtɛk/ or /ˈleɪtɛk/, and not /ˈleɪteks/, there is no x at the end. /ˈleɪteks/ is what condoms are made of!
دوشنبه، مهر ۲۵، ۱۳۹۰
سهشنبه، مهر ۱۹، ۱۳۹۰
Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel
After the game is before the game and everything will remain the same as it was before...
Toothpaste vs. Shaving Gel
If your toothpaste is something like this, pay attention to not put it next to the shaving gel. One night, when you are tired and want to brush your teeth, you'll feel that the toothpaste tastes awful...

دوشنبه، مهر ۱۸، ۱۳۹۰
A Tribute to Gondo0o
"I'm wondering whether all these people who are mourning for Steve Jobs, were willing to once suck his dick, when he was still alive..." Gondo0o
Life is too short
Life is too short to spend on listening to a girl's blah blah, with whom you're almost sure you'll never have sex!
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